Friday 23 January 2009

Book of Mica in Bible in Modern English 2008

PART A (1:2-1:7)
1:2 SMY observing of HQ hewn vessels being MLA full, make YM magnifying of YD magnifyings
1:3 HNH observing from DR ball formed vessels make QM magnifying up to BIMA heights
1:4 MG magical observing of HRJM bowls of water of MS molten material make magical magnifying MG, RM
1:5-6 SHOMRON observing in HL glass vessels of RM magnifying produces BIMOT heights
1:7 ZN style observing from glass vessels (thus preferable to render, cf. ZKKJT glass etc.) of SL basket formed vessels produces NN stretching of AT visual signs
PART B (1:8-1:12) LEKANE 1
1:8 LL stretched evening style shadowy figures being YS reflections, for YN divinations
1:9 BA water-reflections for NS miraculous visual signs being YD magnified
1:10 BBT water reflections for PL miraculous visual signs being of YP growth
1:11 SB reflections being ZL shadows, being of NN stretching
1:12 thus are TB good quality SB reflections
PART C (1:13-2:5a) LEKANE 2
1:13 KB globule formed KS glass cup vessel show RA style, being white material of Zion
1:14 LEKANE produces NS miraculous visual signs for ZB observing
1:15 LEKANE produces BA water reflections of YD-YD magnification for KABOD visions
1:16 GL revelations for FALCON style keen seeing NSR, such RHB extending of rewah extensions (thus, Egyptian Horus: i.e. here this special seeing method of GZ hewn crystal vessel of Zion seems to be Egyptian method- keen seeing like Falcon, that is, Falcon Horus)
2:1 KS cup of complete tam globule form makes demut visions
2:2 from complete form tam vessel produced GBR (gibbor) huge size visions, making MD measuring of those visions
2:3 LEKANE, MS tam from MS jam water containing, prophesy of NKM magnification of plenitudes
2:4-2:5a NKM magnified plenitude of NSA prophesy: it is MASAL riddle
PART D (2:5b-3:3)
2:5b from HBL blown glass vessels GDL magnifying
2:6 vessels of molten glass: NS visions
2:7 QZ hewn vessel, producing YL magnifying (heights)
2:7b HL glass vessel, makes prophesy of TB good quality
2:8 DR ball formed vessel, from its Ubbar womb-style part produced NM visions
2:9 from SWY blown glass produced doubles of MYL magnifying (heights)
2:10 from HBL blown glass produced RZ visions
2:11 from WINE-CUP SKR produced SQ magnification of plenitude
2:13 from ubbar womb style vessel produced ZL shadowy visions of NKM plenitude
3:1 from QZ hewn vessel produced NKM magnifying
3:2 from GZ hewn vessel produced RM magnifying (heights)
3:3 from KB globule vessel angels produce PRS magnifying (extensions)
3:4-5 recitation of incantation for production of AT visions of YM magnifying being NS miracles
3:6-8 LEKANE water bowl: HSK shadowy vision becomes LL evening style stretched vision, and the QSM MAGICAL DIVINATION produces NKM plenitude for AJN keen seeing
3:9-11 from QZ hewn vessel, in house of Israel, for Zion: demut visions from waters, seeing HIDOT riddles of MHR keen seeing
PART F (Chapter 4)
4:6-4:7 production of ZL visual shadowy visions
4:8 AT visual sign from MIGDAL magnifying device (cf. GDL root) of DR ball form; and doubled seeing from LEKANE
4:9 the water-bowl jam visions are AJN keen seeing visions
4:10 the water-bowl maqor makes visual finding JZA of hidden mysteries SD of BABYLONIAN STYLE, being such ZL shadow visions
4:11 the GJM RBJM magnifying water-bowl magnify, make QBZ magnifying (n.b. G-denotes also cavity, thus also describing bowl)
4:13 telescopes producing ZL shadow visions being PRS magnified for NHS divination; and YM magnifying from egg-formed lense BZh of HL glass material
4:14 the HGD observing of HBJT seeing, and seeing of HL glass vessels for AT visual signs, of MZR magnifying of shadows (cf. ZL shadow)
PART G (Chapter 5)
LEKANE produces JOTER magnifying; BAR water bowl of KDR ball form produces RZ keen seeing visions; the KB globule formed vessel, such KDR special ball formed, produces RZ keen seeing visions; JM water bowls produce YS reflections and BA water reflections being of LBN white glass; and visions from DR ball formed vessels are like visions from telescopes KPR for JZA visual finding; and for MERKABOT the maqor water bowls magnify even the smallest objects; and maajan water bowls with magical practices make visions for measurements
PART H (Chapter 6)
6:1-6:5 YM magnifying from ZK glass. Thrice mentioned YM (6:2), the what-ness of YM magnifying is from the YS reflection, for AT visual signs (6:3), with YM magnifying is observed the how-much of earthly beings, such is Egyptian method (6:4): thus is YM magnifying from ZK glass vessels (ZKKJT-glass), especially from the magnifying revelations of GILGAL style of maajan water bowl of ZADDIQ scrupulous observer
6:6 RM magnifying of heights up to BIMA uppermost heights
6:7-8 divine keen seeing is up to thousand fold (ALP), thus God magnifies GDL for demut vision; such is divine examination of DR ball formed vessels, from LEKANE bowls
6:9-10 incantation QRA, and magnifying JOTER (here thrice mentioned), that is YM magnifying
6:11-12 the RM magnifying of heights from PH blown glass vessels KS cups, thus the SQ magnifying for DBR prophesy
6:13-15 WINE CUPS MAGNIFY, DR ball formed cups being KB globule form, being JJN wine cups, make ZRY stretching of extensions
PART I (Chapter 7)
7:1 AJN keen seeing from SL basket formed vessels, of QZ hewn material
7:2 HASIDIC observation, from SIDONIAN glass cups, produces BBA water reflected visions of demut visions, of AJN keen quality
7:3 good quality TB observation from KP water containers, for GDL magnifying of hajjot lively-visions
7:4 vision of TB good quality, and detailed DQ, and straight, from MS molten material water bowls for ZPH observations
7:5 truthful BTH and artistically-skillfully made AMN (cf also Amen-sayings of Gospels; and in Greek the AMN rendered also-TEKHNE!) also for PTH explanations, for SMR observations from HQ hewn bowls (crystal)
7:6 cloud formed appearances NBL from KB globule bowls, such BBT water-reflections
7:7 oil-divination SMN figures from SWY blown cups
7:8 prayer for successful observation SMH for shadowy HSK visions
7:9 God helps with his ZEDAQA
7:10 plainness of visions BS occurring from KS cups of MS molten material
7:11-12 clearness: from white glass LBN vessels, esp. of DR ball form, light is like day light jom itself, or like full moon JRH, being of HQ carved crystal, such is the NHR light stream
7:14 observation RY, that is heaping YM in KB globule formed vessels, from SB reflections, Gilead style magnified revelations
7:15 Egyptian style observations, AR illumination for RA visions, and NP vision of PL miraculous visions
7:16 from PH blown vessel, coming GBR magnified visions for ZN observation (cf ZKKJT, glass; and language of Hosea)
7:17 NHS divination from GZ hewn vessels, and from MS molten vessels being PH blown glass vessels
7:19 SLK style divination from KB globule formed cup, being glass lamp it is like FULL MOON JRH, produces ZL shadowy visions
7:20 conclusion, visions for Jacob and Hasid Abraham

1:1 the word of God (DBR) that was to Micah, learned man in making doubled (MRH, ST) in water-bowls of Jotam, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah; this he was observing (HZH) in increasings (YL) of the observation-instrument Shomron, and Jerusalem
1:2 notify (SMY) that heaping (YM) from waters, in the vessels of waters (KLM) those hewn vessels (HQ) that make reflections (SB) of keen seeing illumination (AR, RZ): in their fullness (MLA) occurs from God in the fullness in increasings (YD), God bringing that from the Temple of his Holiness
1:3 because, observe (HNH), God brings to visual seeing (JZA) from place of increases (QM, maqom) and makes appearing (JRD) in the ball formed instrument (DR, notice: DR and RD consonants here), because that magnifies (YL) to utmost heights (bima) in the keen seeing illumination
1:4 and the white-vessels (HRJM) of waters- they are of molten material (MS, molten glass) there down; and the valley-like cavities (YMQ) of waters are produced in method of splitting (JTBQY): like the vax in front of fire (DNG, cf. glass melting): thus, waters of magical power of magnifying (MG, RM) are in steep place
1:5 this is observing (SYH) of visions (NP) by Jacob, in this style vessel (KL) even if imperfect, in house of Israel: the water (MJ) brings observing (SYH) of visions (NP) to Jacob in the place of glass vessels (HL), such Shomron style observation instrument: it is water that brings heights (bimot) in Judah- style glass vessels (A, HL), in Jerusalem
1:6 and the Shomron style observing instrument is placed for making heap of mystery (SD) where waters spring forth (NTY) for making increases (RM) and the round formed lamp (HG, NR) are cavities (G) of stone material (ABN) where God’s mysteries are being revealed (GL)
1:7 and the vessels of open container formed (P, SL) of God are formed (JKT) and are vessels of stretched visions of God (AT, NN), they make shadow visions (RP) with fire-flame; and the vessels of advises from God of fire-flame in water-bowl, that is upon waters, because to muchness (MAT) he stretches (NN) in the glass vessel (ZN, cf. Hosea where ZN and ZNNJT often translated obviously questionably to denote adultery; but a species of glass/crystal and glass vessel is the obvious meaning; and Habakkuk can specify this to be crystal material) collecting (QBZ) and magnifying (YD) to stretched (NN) visual sign (AT) in the glass vessel (ZN) that reflects (SB)
1:8 increasing for that visual sign (AT) and magnifying (ASP) so-much (DJ) in the place (AJ) of evening like stretched figures (LL), in the place of LEKANE (LKN) that makes stretched figures (LL) and magnified revelations (YRWM)- it is place of reflections (YS) such molten (MS) vessel of Mesopotamian (Paddan) style- and hewn vessel (KT) of dream visions (NM), and stone LEKANOT- these are for making of divinations (YN)
1:9 because vessel (AN) of miraculous signs (NS) is hewn-vessel (KT) of God, because it reflects (BA) magnifying (YD) in Judah style- in that it is magnifying (YD) observation instrument (SYR) of heapings (YM), increasing (YD) in Jerusalem style
1:10 by the increasing cavities God (AL) will tell such (HGJD) in these spring-vessels, in these this will spring forth (NBK) the water-reflections (BBT) for heaping like the growth of fruits (PR, YP) so is the growth of the miraculously happening (HTPL) doubling (ST)
1:11 the container (ubbar), such LEKANE of waters (LKM) reflects (SB): so are growths (PR) of revelations of God for doubling (ST) in the place of bringing to visual finding by reflections (SB), bringing to visions (JZA) of the stretched visions (NN) in the molten vessels of Mesopotamia (Paddan), in place of producing shadows (ZL) in the cavity of plenty of living waters- such pillar-like visions (amud)
1:12 because such glass vessel (HL) brings to good quality (TB) reflections (SB) such knowledge (MRH) because there appear (JRD) observations (RY) in magnification (MAT) from God, that is for observation-instrument (SYR) in Jerusalem
1:13 such complete-formed lamp vessel (NR, TM) of knowledge (MR) such globule vessel (KB) being lamp vessel (NR) of KS-cup: that shows (RA) doubles (ST) even if imperfectly that is of white glass of Zion (Israelite white glass), because being water-container (NBK) it brings seeing (JZA) dream-visions (NM) for observation (NP, SY) of Israel
1:14 the LEKANE will provide miracle (NS) sendings (SLH) from waters that are magnifying (YL) knowledge of doubling (MRA, ST), the magnifying cavity (GGT) are such places how the living whirling around (ZB cf ZBH obviously ZBB of glass/crystal) occurs; that is how living whirling around (ZB) is brought by the methods of Israel
1:15 magnifying (YD) glass cavity (HR) of stone material, that is LEKANE (LK), it reflects (SB) knowledge (MR) that is from God, magnifying, magnifying (YD, YD) to dream-visions (NM) that water-reflects (BA) such kavod-appearances for Israel
1:16 and cavity for making extensions (rewah) is also hewn vessel (GZ) it increases (YL) producing divinations (YN) from cavity, it makes more extended (HRHB) that cavity of extensions (rewah), there, in style of falcon keen seeing (NSR) because it brings revelations (GL) from that white-material

2:1 Observe! Thoughts are coming from stone-vessel (AWN), such open-vessel makes increases (YL) of observations (RY) of increasings (YL) for prophesy-from-complete-form-globule-vessels (tam, KB, MS) in this illumination (AR) of the visionary-container light (BQ); it makes reflections (YS) from God (JH): such KS-cup for God that gives visions (demut)
2:2 and the living being measured (MD) that is in the knowing, by the hewn-convex-vessel (LB, GZ) of complete form (tam)- and when making prophesy they make cavity-reflections (YS) of so huge size (GBR) in this place of fire-flame: such glass-examinations (glass bowl being glass lamp, oil poured upon water for giving light)
2:3 the LEKANE is of special power (LKN; thus, here a LEKANE water bowl of hewn material, used as glass lamp and for seeing magnified visions) and makes descriptions from God. Observe! And comprehend (HSB) the increases, these prophesies (MS) coming from the open-vessel, and see the visual sign (AT) coming from the observations (RY), that prophesy although not complete (MS, TM) being prophesy of water-bowl (MS, JM); the instructing light (ZW, AR) makes such plenitude (NKM) in this place of method of increasing (RM), because, this is the moment (YT, cf Qohelet) of visions (RY)
2:4 in that light, there is magnification of such plenitude (YL, NKM) prophetically (NSA), it is such riddle (masal), it is such special observation (this purports to render the Nhh Nh NHJH recalling that HNH, the hinne, usually denotes seeing and exhortation to see and be observing), they describe hidden things for observing (DN) and hidden things in such stillness of appearing (NH) in this glass-cavity (HL), such heapings of waters of visions (RA, JM, YM) like water-bowls (SL, JM) of making round and turning examinations of hidden things in such glass cavity (HL)
2:5 LEKANE is place of being (LKN), LEKANE is place of waters (LKM) and giving riddles (masal), even if their being blown-vessels (HBL) for magnifying (GDL); thus for the congregation (QHL) of God
2:6 God of molten drops; and they handle the molten drops, in the place of molten drops (molten glass substance of which glass is then blown) LALHLA (could be special utterance? Or incantation?) for place of such miracle-bringing (NS) in cavities in such material vessels (KL)
2:7 those who describe in the house of Jacob have such hewn visionary instrument (QZ denotes ALSO hewn, thus of crystal, e.g.) with spirit of God is the vessel-place (AM) for God for doing magnifyings (YL, in the tradition, it is inconceivable to speak God contained in place, thus not rendering with word of, see e.g. Philo of Alexandria De Fuga et Inventione, discussing topos and idea of being in a place describing human existence): such white-cavity (HL) brings prophesies (DBR) of good quality (TB), heapings of what is straight (straight crooked), thus doing methodically
2:8 visual sign of uttering (ML) heaping (YM) in the stone-material produces magnifyings (QM) from waters, from utterances (ML) of complete-character; such place ball-formed (DR) makes what is simple (PST) in dream-visions (NM) in the container (ubbar) of waters seeing, and considering (HBJT and HSB) such utterance from the side of the bowl (ML)
2:9 what was made glass-blown (SWY, voice like from pipes of glass-blowers): such water-containers (MJ) will be place of doubles (SN), such dream-visions (NM) and giving divinations in cavity increasing (MYL) and magnifications of God (YLL) – such you will receive from the ball-formed containers (YLM, DR)
2:10 magnify (QM), make that methodically (HLK): vessel is the place of seeing of visual sign (AT) in stillness – even in the container of not complete quality made from glass-blowing (HBL, notice here HBL and SWY) and in such blown-glass produces (HBL) so keen dream-like visions (RZ)
2:11 around the fire-flame the Spirit is hovering in plenitude (SQ) RK of whirling-around (ZBB) in the water-reflection from that molten (TP); and such is also in vessel of wine, in plenitude (SKR- glass cups filled with water and wine magnify); and this heaping comes from the molten vessel (TP)
2:12 Jacob made magnifications (ASP) in the vessel, made heapings (QBZ) in these empty-vessels, for visions for Israel; and the fire-flame produced so complete qualities in coherence, for visual finding (JZA) such fullness (NBB) of strength increases (YD) to magnifications (RB) in the prophetical words in the depths for stillness for visionaries
2:13 the growing-products (PR), the shadow (ZL) is increased (YL) in the appearance of those; such growth (PR) is for instruction (ZW): the ubbar-container is vision-instrument (SYR) bringing visions (JZA) and giving complete-utterances (NKM) in their visions: that God creates there

3:1 and he described there divination (YN) in such illumination (AR) from the fire-flame of Jacob, and this hewn-vessel (QZ, also hewn vessel, like crystal) was for prophesies of Israel such white-cavity (HL): there God makes plenitudes (NKM) to make known (LDYT) the visual sign for discernings (MSPT)
3:2 the doubling in this place (AJ) are so good (TB) and so preferred for observations (RY) are those hewn vessels (GZ), to make revelations (YR) in waters in their increasings; such empty-vessels (SA) are for magnifying (RM), increasing for advises from waters (YZJM) in completeness
3:3 and this is how the empty-vessel (SA) described, the form-giving vessel-examinations (A-KL) in revelations from waters (YR), such observation from waters (RY) in their increases (YL) they examined; and the visual sign (AT) is for advises from waters when recited to bowl ZH and made stretching (PRS) something like in bowl (SR) and globule-formed vessel of angels (SR) from the smallness of things
3:4 then they cry to God, and in that place he will give divinations (YN) visual signs from the bowl and in that moment (YT, cf. Qohelet) there are appearances (PN) of those that are hidden (STR), because of the knowledge from their increases (YL)
3:5 thus in strength, God describes increases (YL) to prophets in water-bowls, those of material structure (YM) becomes visual signs (AT) of heaped (YM) ; such is miracle (NS) of waters when it doubles of them (SN); and they recite complete incantation, and that what it not gives is increased (YL) in their opening (P); and such holiness is for increased utterances (ML) from the sides (of bowl)
3:6 LEKANE! Evening-like figures (LL) become plenitude (NKM) in their visions (HZ) and also what is shadowy (HSK) becomes plenitude (NKM) in the magical magnifying of bowl of waters (MQSM); and the light gives such water-reflections (BA) increasing to prophets with the ball-formed cavity (DR), that increased to them in the light
3:7 in situation shall the seers be of softness (BS) and magicians (QSM) of waters will be confounded: the vision make errors (TY) in the utterances (SPh) from water-bowls; such vessels of keenness (AJN) of dream-visions (NM); there makes divinations their God
3:8 and the container (ALM), the vessel: how-much (KMh)! In its fullness (MLA) it has special strength (KH, water filled glass bowl and bottle magnify) giving visual sign of Spirit of God; and the discerning (MSPT) magnifying to describe to Jacob what is smaller and to Israel what is defective
3:9 hear this divination (YN), this visual sign (AT) for seeing (RA) that occurs in house of Jacob, and the filled (NBB) hewn-vessel (QZ) in house of Israel: and making discerning (MSPT) and visual sign (AT) in vessel (KL) of what is straight is established
3:10 thus is understanding for Zion by means of visions (demut) from waters, and for Jerusalem, increases
3:11 and the seeing (RA) in the empty vessel (Sh) in being of emptiness (JBS, dry) is a miracle (hida); but the priests of God make discernings (SPT) in keenness of seeing (MHR), and God’s prophets will make magical divination (QSM) by means of open cups (KS, P) thus increasing to God, thus divining (YN) concerning what exists and reciting incantation “glass-place (HL) of God, such magnifying container (BQ, RB) for us- increase for us in this place of water-reflections (TBA) the vision (RY)”
3:12 the LEKANE, by revealing plenitudes to Zion (NKM) in these mysteries, in such understanding (MHR) that is for Israel; and vision from wine-bowl (JJN) occurs, and the glass-cavity in that house, of white material (LBN) will make revelation (RY)

4:1-5 no comments
4:6 and in that light, so is the prophesy from God, is stretching to utmost limits (SP), to such visible shadows (ZL) in that so full of living, there collecting for observations (RY)
4:7 and the names for that visual sign (AT) of the visible shadow (ZL) come from the emptiness, such visions (SA, RT), such stream (NHL) in the cavity of advises from water-bowl (YZ) and God makes methodically (HLK) their increases in such keenness of visions (MHR) in Zion, from that moment (YT); and always
4:8 and the visual sign (AT) of the magnifying instrument (migdal) of increases of ball-form (DR) such Ophel style miraculous heaping (PL, YP) in house of Zion, and your increases (YD) you make to visual signs (AT) and water-reflect (BA) in the waters of the bowls (MM) of God: such seeing of double (SN) in water of LEKANE, in the place of Jerusalem
4:9 in that moment (YTH) with the water-bowl (JM) make observations (RY) of the observation-method (HLK, RY); for you, it is keen (AJN): in the bowl (AM) for your advises (YZ) occur depth examinations (ABD) because the visions (HZ) in cavities being in glass-cavity (HL) for producing (JLD)
4:10 make glass-examination (HL) in the cavity of living, Zion, like what is produced (JLD) in that moment (YTH): the water-ponds of God (maqor) will bring to visual seeing (JZA), such the limit of the mystery (SD), and water-reflections, increasings (YD) of Babylonian style (BBL), placing there in the shadow-producing (ZL): thus God brings forth (GAL) from the containers of stone-material (KP)
4:11 in that moment (YT) in your increasings (YL) are magnified (ASP) by the magnifying waters in the water-bowls (GJM RBJM) that describe the being of the visions (NP): thus you will see in Zion with your eyes
4:12 and the sides of the glass-bowl (HL) is place (AJ) of making-known (JDY) of thoughts, from God, even if they do not make known (bina) all the advises (YZh) in that manner; the water-bowl heaps those (QBZ) like the amir in the cavity of whistling sound (RN)
4:13 Magnify! (QM), make so increased (DSA) in the places of Zion, thus, for your seeing-tubes, like fire- flames in water-bowls, the water-bowl (BR) of shadows (ZL): such stretching (PRS) in midst of the fire-flame water-bowl (TK, JM) there is prophesy (NHS) and keenness (DQ) of heapings of waters of multitude (RBJM)- such living magnifyings (RM) from God: heaping from white egg-formed (YM, BZh) and glass-bowls (HL) for God of earthenware vessels
4:14 in this moment (YTH): make observings (GD, cf HGD and NGD) in the place of observings, magnifying (MZR) there the increasings: by what is observed (HBJT) in the increasing (YL) in glass-cavity visions (HL), for visual seeing (AT), for discerning of Israel

5:1 no comments
5:2 LEKANE will give dream-visions (NM) increased (YD) in that moment, of producing (JLD) and growth, and magnifies (joter) the qualities (AH cf AB, logically) and makes reflections (SB), increasings (YL) for understanding (bina) of Israel
5:3 and the observation (RY) is there pillar-like standing (amud) in such strengthening (YZ) from God, for special wisdom (gaon)- there God, our God, makes reflections (SB) because that moment (YTh): increasing to magnifications (GDL, YD) to muchness (AP) of earthly
5:4 and this occurs in completeness (SLM) with angel of fire-flame of Assurian style (cf. that lecanomancy was there well known in very old times) thus water-reflects (BA) that water-bowl (BAR) of keenness (RZ, cf OKSUS), such ball-formed (KDR), such water-bowl (BAR) of the increases (RM) of stretching (NWH) and for our magnifying they increase (QM, YL) up to seven-fold is the observation (RY) from water-bowl, and to eight-fold: such miracles! They are understandable for observers!
5:5 and they observe the visual sign (AT, RY) of earthly, in this fire-flame of angelic being, in magnified beings, such visual sign (AT) of earthly: such dream-like figure (NM) flat magnified (JRD) by this instrument of explanations (PTH) that makes shadows in such muchness (MA) with angels, because it water-reflects (BA) in keenness (RZ) in being such ball-formed (KDR), globule (KB), the outer limits of the objects
5:6 and the smaller part (SAR), for Jacob will be in heaping of waters (YMJM) in the magnifying bottle (BQ,RB) in the waters of magnifying (RBJM) something of the plenitude of dew (TL, MAT) God, thus because the waters produce magnifyings (RBBJM) such increases (YL) of the reflections (YS) such water reflections (BA) of angels (SR) for the place of observing (QWH),thus for the place of fire flame and place of glass (HL) of white glass (LBN) made by makers
5:7 and the smaller part (SAR) for Jacob, will be in heaping of waters (YMJM) in the water-bowl (G, JM) such magnifying container (BQ, RB) in magnifying waters (RBJM) in the illumination (AR) from God( JH), in the reflections (BB) in the sides of the bowl; and that reveals like the seeing-tube (KPR) or like the visions from ball-formed vessels (DR) that bring to visual finding (JZA), thus is for the changes in the vessels (AM) and increases from the molten vessel (RM, MS): they make keen (AJN) dividing (TRP, diaresis) of the shadow-figures (ZL)
5:8 You will magnify (RM) with the instrument (JD) increasing (YL) in the strength (ZR): the vessels of stone are for your understanding (KR)
5:9 And in that illumination (JWM) occurs the prophesy of God (neum), for your understanding (KR) of the smallest objects (SS, moth), how-much they are (KMh), in this water-bowl (maqor) of magnifying (RB), such stone-vessels for your merkavot
5:10 and the understandings (KR) of your revelations from the earthly, such white-cavities (HR) of doubling, vessels (KL) of special strength (ZR)
5:11 there is understanding from the magical practices with water-bowls (KR, KSP), measuring (MD), and from the water-bowls (maajan) of dream-visions (NM), in the places of your glass-vessels (HL)
5:12 your carved idols and your pillars will be cut off; but for the visual signs (AT) in doubling (ST) of life, thus are increases (YD) of the waters of your reflections (YS) in your instruments (JD)
5:13 and I will pluck the Asherim from midst of you; but in your revelations (YR) there will be special understanding (HS) of measures (middot)
5:14 and the reflections (YS) in magnifications (AP), by means of the sides of the bowl are increased (QM nif), such visual sign from the cavities of waters (G, JM) that is from the fire-flame of stretching (NYh)

6:1 hear the divination (YN) the visual sign (AT) that God is describing (AMR); magnify for increases (QM, RB) the visual sign (AT) from glass-cavities (HR) to nine-fold prophesy (TS) for the heightening (GBY) of the small (QL)
6:2 hear from the glass-cavities (HR) of waters (JM) the visual sign (AT) magnified (RB) from God, such visual sign like vision (NM, AT) coming from the mysteries (SD) of the earthly, because God is making magnifyings (RB) of the heapings (YM, thrice) with Israel, he is thus making discussion (WKH)
6:3 the heaping (YM): its what-ness (MH) is in the reflection (YS) for you, and the what-ness, in the glass-cavity (HL) of making of visual signs (AT) in divination (YN)
6:4 because in the increasings (YL) comes the how-much (KMh) of the earthly beings; such is the Egyptian method, and from the house of those observing water-bowls (YBD) is your ransoming (PD), and for your making appearances, (PN) such luach-instrument of fire-flame (LH) visions for Moses, Aron and Miriam
6:5 the heaping (YM) in the glass-examination (ZK) of increases (RN) and the what-ness is in advises (YZ) by LEKANE (LQ) of king of Moab, and what-ness was divinatory revealed (AT, YN) the Bileam, by means of hollow bowl revelations (YR, NB); from twenty, increasing in magnifying revelations of Gilgal style in the water-bowl (maajan) for knowing in zaddiq manner, this is from God
6:6 such high place (bima) is place in front of God, that is how (AK) the miracle (PL) from God produces increases (MRM) the place in front of God, such hollow vessel (NB) of increases, in such round bowl of waters: that produces doubles
6:7 is it not so that God is keen-seeing up to thousand-fold (ALP) and in magnifications (RBBWT) in the floating oil (SMN, thus, oil lamp) such visual sign in the hollow (NB) makes understanding (KR) of what is simple (PST), in growths (PR) of the container part (BTN): such hollowed part (HT) makes signs (AT) for soul
6:8 God has magnified (GDL) thus for vision (demut) the what-ness (Mh) in good manner (TB) the what-ness (MH), God makes ball-examination (DR) of water-bowl (MM) and thus, (KK) in vessel (AM) of reflections (YS) is discerning and so preferred life of miracles (SD) and instruct (ZW) in stretchings (NYh) of LEKANOT, such heapings from your God
6:9 what is small- God will reveal that (YR)! Recite incantation (QRA) “God, make nine-fold (TS)!” and he will show that, observe the stretching (NTH) that water increases (YD)
6:10 in the house, the fire-flame increases (YD) for increases (joter) and visual observing (SY) is for place of strengthening (ZR) and the visual observing (SY) so magnifies (joter), it magnifies (AP) for magnifying (joter) in such glass examinations (ZN, cf. Hosea ZN and ZNN): this is magnification (YM)
6:11 thus, glass-examination (ZK) by means of water-bowl (BMA) and glass-examination (ZN cf Hosea) with lamp (NR) for observation(SY), such by means of KS-lamp (KS) of stone-material (ABN) for magnifying (RM)
6:12 and what, from God, makes ten-fold (YSR) when being full (MLA), such living molten vessel (MS) and reflections from God (SB) are divine sayings (DBR) for magnifying (SQ) for doublings, from water (SN, JM), such are magnifyings (RM) from God by means of blown-glass (PH) vessels of waters
6:13 the vessel of glass magnifies (HL, GM) and will be like in bowl instrument, like thought (HS) from water-bowl increases of the visual signs
6:14 its visual sign (AT) you glass-vessel examine even if not stretching to full (SBY) and the existing living in the globule formed (KB) bottle (BQ) of increases (RB) is for magnifying, for visual sign (AT) of miracles (PL) of mystery (LT) and what you make miracles (PL) of mystery (LT) for increased life of visions
6:15 its visual sign (AT) you will stretch (ZRY), you will not diminish (QZR) its visual sign; and you will examine in ball-formed (DR)- something like olive seed (ZJT) formed, and thus for visual sign, being in the oil (SMN, SK, notable that SKK and SMN here written) and the juice: that to doubled (ST) visual sign coming fro wine-cup (JJN; glass cups filled with water or wine make magnified visions)
6:16 and the doubling like growth of tamar-tree (palm) in such carved bowl (HQ) magnifying lamp (YMR) and the vessels that do reflections (YS) are places of genus and species (AB, AH logically) and you will do methodically (HLK) in the complete advise vessels (YZ) in water-bowls (maajan) giving the visual sign of vessel, there, and making reflections (SB) with the angel of vessel (angel makes the visions in the vessels, thus usually written in the lecanomancy) and glass-visions (HR) of small (PT) in increases (YM), this you will prophesy (NSA)

7:1 God, these evening stretched-figures (LL) are such beings (hajjot), like utmost stretched (SP) in the hewn vessel (QZ) because of increasings (YLL) in the strength (ZR) of keen-seeing (AJN) fire flame of the vessel (AS, KL) for such place (AJ) of basket-like container (KL) for understanding (KR) of these visual signs in soul (NPS)
7:2 the hasid makes depth-examinations (ABD, abyddos) of qualities of earthly (MN), and so straight (JSR) is the reflected (BA) vision (demut)- the vessels are so keen seeing (AJN) for making visions (demut) in waters (DMJM): they so illuminate (AR) by the fire-flame and the visual sign (AT) comes to being in the Sidonian (ZD, well known center of glass production in Antiquity) magnifying (RM, thus, magnifying in Sidonian style vessels, and cf. Pliny telling in NH of history of glass-production in that region)
7:3 magnified observation (RY, YL) is in the containers of waters (KP) in so good quality (TB); and the angel when being questioned (SAL- in the Antiquity, methods of lecanomancy describe that angel produced in the bowls the visions, and in incantations questions were sung to the angel): the divine prophesy (DBR) so magnifies (GDL) these beings (hajjot) of souls; this is there whirling-around (like wind YBT, cf, zBB)
7:4 the water-bowl is in its strength ( KH) good (TB) so much detailed (DQ), so straight- this with the strength of the molten-material (MS), this illumination (JWM) for making observations (ZPh: glass cups were used as glass lamps, mainly filled with water, and some oil poured thereupon, thus produced magnified visions when seen from the side), and instruction (PQD) in midst (TK) water-reflections (BA): in that moment (YT, cf Qohelet) coming from these complete drop-round-formed (BK)
7:5 God! Make so artistically (AMN) in that observation (AMN, TEKHNE)! God! Make so truthful (BTH, reliable, cf theories of sense data, errors and Cartesian doubts of cognition and sources of observation, leading to cogito ergo sum) vision in the thousand-fold! Places of being (MSKB), those carved bowls (HQ) for observations (SMR) and explanation (PTH, patah, patuah etc. explanation and interpretation) from your ideas
7:6 the globule formed dream-vision place (KB, NM) has cloudy appearances (NBL), place of water-reflection (BBT) increased (QM) in that container-vessel (KL, AM) in the sides of the stone-material, the fire-flame makes that place for observers
7:7 in that hollow place (AN, NB) God makes visions (ZPh) in this tent of God’s helping to observation with blown vessel (SY) of oil-divination (SM, YN: oil-divination is important method for observation in bowls, in lecanomancy, cf. e.g. S. Daiches on Oil-divination in Bible) from God
7:8 God, make successful (SMH) the stone-vessels (AB) make methodically (TLK) the miraculous visions (NPL, NP, PL), increase (QM), because the fire-flame brings water-reflections (BB) in the shadowy things (HSK); God, illuminate me!
7:9 This is the heaping from God (YP), by fire-flame illuminating vision (ARA, of AR, and RA) with help of his righteousness (zedeq, zedaqa)
7:10 make visions (RA) in the stone-vessel (AB), give to me in this KS-cup, by plainness (BS) of the descriptions (AMR), God, my God, show to my eyes: in that moment (YTH) will occur in magnifications from the molten-material (MS, RM) that earthly substance (TT) for visions (HZ)
7:11 the light in the white glass vessels (LBN) in the ball-formed cavities (DR) is like the day-light itself (JWM), such full-moon-like (JRH) carved vessel of crystal (HQ, of course, full moon quite much resembles a globule formed glass cup that functions as glass lamp, full of water and some oil there floating)
7:12 that light increases (YD) in the water-reflections (BA) in style of Assur, and the revelations (YR) of magnifying (MZR); and the style of magnifying (MZR) increasing in the stream of light (NHR), the water-pond of waters (JM MJM) and glass cavity (HR)
7:13 this is how earthly (ARZ) is occurring in strength (LS) of water-bowl (MM): the reflection (SB) by God (JH) increase (YL) the growths (PR) for their becoming magnified (YLL)
7:14 observation (RY): that is, heaping (YM) in the globule-formed (KB) reflecting (SB) in its container-part (BTN) for bringing to visual finding (JZA) in glass-examinations (HL), in midst of this place (TK) in such convex-formed (LB) Davidic vessel of hollowness (NDD) that reveals (YR) in midst of increases (RM) for observations (RY): in doubled (SN) and in magnified revelations (GL, YD) of Gilead-style; because of waters of that container
7:15 because such are waters of bringing to visions (JM, JZA) of how-much (KMh) is the earthly (ARZ)- such Egyptian style illumination (AR) for visions (RA) makes miraculous visions (NP, PL)
7:16 the containers of waters (G, JM) show visions (RA) in plainness, such waters-in-vessels (M-KL) have so complete strength (GBR), they are instruments and placing increases (YL), like from the blown-vessel (PH) are glass-examinations (ZN, cf. ZKKJT glass and the word ZN, ZNN in Hosea) in such cleanness of doubling (SN)
7:17 such LUACH-instrument being of dust-material (YPR) is for making divinations (NHS), being such glass (HL) made of earth (ARZ), and seeing of hewn-material (GZ) or from molten-material (MS) of cavities-of-seeing are those; and God, our God, makes by blast (blowing of glass, PH) and then the water-bowls show to you
7:18 who is God like You? Making prophesies and divinations, making changes, increasing with open blown vessels of observing (SY), for the remnant (SAR) from that glass-vessel (HL) place of strengthened visions (HZQ, includes HZ) of what is small (QL), increasing for magnifying (AP, YD): such strength that opens (KH) for width (PZh)- such is for Hasid
7:19 this full-moon like (JRH) makes reflections (SB) of qualities, it is such globule-formed (KB) that makes divinations (YN), it gives (NTN) divinations (SLK, casting lots etc) by shadow-figures (ZL) in the water-pond (JM), such vessel that incomplete becomes complete (HTA, TM)
7:20 give truth to Jacob, and Hasid to Abraham, that you completely-stretched to our fathers, from seeing in front of water-bowls (QDM)

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